Nway, malam ni Zara tido awal..so amik kesempatan utk survey breast pump baru plak. kenapa nak yg baru??? sbb breast pump time Zara dulu sgtlaaaaaaa tidak memberangsangkan..ngan rase rendah diri sangat2..mama buat pengakuan yg mama amatlah cetek pengetahuan pasal bf mase bersalinkan Zara dulu..then tk berapa mendapat semangat n sokongan dr family, so tros susu merundum..
Act, 1st problem mama ialah 'inverted nipple'..mmg selalu nmpak time Zara bf die cam susah n tk puas menghisap..then utk pump, just just guna pam Pureen yg elektrik tuh (papa yg belikan so die main tibai jekla mane2 pump yg die suka..haha)..serius sakit each time nak pump susu..smpai satu tahap, siap kuar darah lagi mase pump (aiseh..ngilu bile ingat balik)..then mungkin sbb kurang usaha nk setelkan mslh2 ni sume, maka tk smpai 3 bulan susu mama dh kering..hmmmm..sadis kan...so insyaAllah, kali nih mama dh study n bersedia lebih sket utk bf adek baby Zara...klu tk dpt ecxlusively bf pon, sekurang2 nye die dpt menyusu lebih lame lah dari kakak die..=)
Nway, utk masalah inverted nipple tuh, ada kawan cadangkan mama pakai 'nipple shield'..die kate selain utk digunakan time ade prob nipple crack ker, sore nipple ker, leh gak digunakan utk inverted nipple nye problem..so mmg dh berhajat nak beli..cume lom decide nak beli brand ape..rase sume brand pon lebih kurang same kot..ade sesape ke pernah pakai nipple shield ni utk bf baby..cth rupebentuk die cam kat bwh nih:

Utk breastpump plak, tika n saat ini tgh survey psl Medela Harmony- 2 phase expression nih..buat mase nih mama rase lom mampu nk beli yg mahal2 sgt..huhu..so ingat nk try Harmony ni dulu..ade kawan se-course mama dulu yg rekemen..nanti klu susu mmg konfirm meriah n ade duit lebih, baru leh upgrade carik pam canggih sket2..lagi skali, ade ke kawan2 mama yg pernah guna Harmony nih? meh bagi testimonial sket..=p

"Medela has designed the first manual breastpump that allows mothers to pump comfortably and efficiently, because of it's 2-Phase Expression Technology.
Harmony by Medela has already convinced over two million mothers. In addition to the 2-Phase Expression, the manual breastpump also offers other advantages:
Efficient: More milk in less time, thanks to our 2-Phase Expression TechnologyIndividual: ideal for occasional manual pumping
Comfortable: the adjustable handle and manual operation enable comfortable pumping
Easy: simple to assemble, use and clean
Mobility: as a small lightweight breastpump, Harmony is the ideal manual breastpump for discreet pumping everywhere
Bridge the breast-feeding breaks with Harmony
Would you occasionally like to work out, go shopping or go out in the evening? Or do you have difficulties with flat or inverted nipples? With the manual breastpump Harmony by Medela, you can pump milk pleasantly and easily as required.
Mothers profit from our research
Thanks to the 2-Phase Expression Technology, with the manual breastpump you can imitate the baby's natural sucking motion on the mother's breast. Pumping with the manual breastpump feels very comfortable - almost as if you were breastfeeding. The faster milk injection and maximum milk-flow significantly reduce the pumping time, enabling you to pump more milk in less time."
Klaaa..mcm dh pjg plak entry nih..next time ade mase mama share lagi info2 yg dh mama baca/dpt psl bf ni k..=)

insyaAllah lily, harap2 lepas ni adik zara dpt minum susu mama lebih lama dari kakak zara.
tp bab pam tu izan pun tak pernah guna. sume direct bf je sbb dok umah kan.
go lily go..kene cekal hati..insya Allah boleh:)
teringat lak mase breastfeed airell for 2 years..pump kat ofis etc..pheww..
lily, try tgok web ni..
wahhh....cantik gilak belog lilyyyy......jelessssss....santekkkkkk!!!!
ni dilla nk share sket petua mil yg dilla amalkan...patutnya dari 6 bulan ari tu da elok amalkan tp dilla tak tau pulak lily ade masalah nipple..
slalunye setiap pagi dan ptg selepas mandi, dilla akan sapu sekeliling nipple dgn minyak masak...kate mil dilla tuk elak nipple kite merekah pas bersalin, tak berkuping dan tak berdarah mase anak nak menyusu...
dilla mmg amalkan dan alhamdulilah, berkesan...mmg takde masalah langsung nipple merekah dan sakit nk bagi acha nyusu dulu..
lagi satu, setiap kali lily basuh rambut time mandi, air pada hujung rambut tu, lily hisap dan telan skit, pastu biar air dari hujung rambut tu basahkan sekeliling breast kite...lebih elok, lily sapu jek air tu sekeliling dgn tangan...
kate mil tuk banyakkan susu..
dilla tak tau la, benda nih berkesan ke tak, tapi utk dilla mmg alhamdulilah dan tak salah kan kalu lily cube..
Insyaallah Lily pasti boleh..Chayok2.. ;)
sy pun ade prob cam awk dlu..pstu give up, bg formula..
2nd time nie bsmngat bli b/pump..xmahal pun..biase2 je..jdilah...
akak pon rasa nak beli madela as second pump..now my spectra3 tgh service..jenuh pam pakai tangan ni huhu..
sama la masa bersalin damia dulu. zero knowledge pasal BF. breastpump pureen tu pun ayah mia yg beli coz masa tu breast da bengkak mcm batu, tp susu tak kuar2. sedih gile. Mia lak masa tu asal isap je susu tak kuar, dia leh bantai tidooo je!! Takpe, itu 1st exp kita lily. So no.2 ni lily kena konfiden lebih ok!! Medela harmony tu pun mmg bagus. Brand spectra n medela antara yg terbaik. cuma harmony ni manual la. tak pe, try je dulu. SOk2 susu da byk beli yg mahal pulak.. hehe
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