For the instructions, add your name on the list and simply spell out your name using the given Japanese letter- translations below. Tag six of your friends and inform them of the tag. Have fun.TRANSLATION:
A - ka----F - lu---- K - me---- P - no---- U - do---- Z - zi
B - tu----G - ji----- L - ta----- Q - ke ----V - ru
C - mi----H - ri ----M - rin ----R - shi ---W - mei
D - te----I - ki -----N - to----- S - ari---- X - na
E - ku--- J - zu ----O - mo ----T - chi---- Y - fu
Inila hasilnye..
AZLIYANA = kazitakifukatoka
ZAHRA= zikarishika
SHAHRIL= aririkarishikita
Kui3x..tu baru letak nama pendek dh kuar bunyik ntah ape2. klu letak full name lagi mau tergeliat lidah nk sebut..=p
Next this tag will goes to MamaZahra, MamaAuni, MamaHazim, MamaAlesha, MamaMya n MamaNaufal..
Silela menjepunkan nama masing2 k..hehe..

camne leh tercipta ayat jepun tu..hehehe:P
kelakar plak tag ni.. heheheh..
kreatif sungguh org yg mencipta tag ni..
rasenye blm terlmbt nk wish eppy blated 1st bday utk zara yg cheeky tu (muke mmg mcm papa dielah)heheh,congr8s sbb organize garden party yg nmpk meriah & tersusun!--kesimpulannye komen ni xde kene mengena dgn name jepun tuh,heheheh
Zieha n kak yong- hehe..comei jek kan tag ni. klu ade mase lehla zieha n k yong buat juga..=)
Zeti- Hee..thanx zeti. mmg puas hati sgt akhirnye berjaya mencelebrate bday zara tu. yg penting zara hepi, mama n papa hepi, nenek hepi, n sume yg dtg pon hepi sokmo..=)
haahaaa.. setelah 1 bulan diperam.. akhirnya dpt juga buat.. rujuk link yer
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