Hmm..lama dah tak tengok wayang..hajat di hati nak sangattttttt tgk movie Thor..tapi time movie tu baru kuar papa plak outstation ke Singapore..balik dari sana weekend ada jek aktiviti lain so smpai sudah tk smpat nak menonton..last2, smpai kuar citer kartun Frozen ni plak kat panggung..dah ada citer kartun, kompemlah jadi keutamaan utk bwk anak2 tgk wayang kan..lagi2 citer pasal2 princesses ni..lagilah kakak zara suka..hehehehe
"In "Frozen," fearless optimist Anna (voice of 'Kristen Bell' ) teams up
with rugged mountain man Kristoff (voice of 'Jonathan Groff' ) and his
loyal reindeer Sven in an epic journey, encountering Everest-like
conditions, mystical trolls and a hilarious snowman named Olaf in a race
to find Anna's sister Elsa (voice of Idina Menzel), whose icy powers
have trapped the kingdom of Arendelle in eternal winter. Encountering
Everest-like conditions, mystical trolls and a hilarious snowman named
Olaf, Anna and Kristoff battle the elements in a race to save the
kingdom "
Keseluruhannya..Zara sgt enjoy tgk movie nih..Zareef separuh movie dah tido dah..hahahaha..watak princess Anna tu serupa sangat dgn watak Repunzel dlm Tangled..and watak org salji Olaf tu kelakar sgt..kire oklah tgk citer ni..semua pon happy..=)
Gambar2 before masuk wayang.. dua beradik posing kat poster ..gambar besar tu Queen Elsa aka Snow Queen yang sangat cantekkk..^_^
p/s 1: mujur smpat dah bwk zara tgk movie ni hari sabtu lepas..tiga hari ni kuantan dah berturut2 hujan lebat..dengarnya bndar kuantan pon dh naik air..jalan nk gi tpt keja mama pon dh start bnjir dah...wuwuwuwu..mmg tak gi bndar dahla smpai hujan reda gamaknya..>_<
p/s 2: Citer Thor plak tunggu kuar kat Astro Bestlah..tgk kat umah jek..hahahaha..tgk kat astro feeling lebih sket dpd tgk cd cetak rompak...hihihi

Movie plg sesuai tuk anak girl kan.. :-) enjoy la tu zara tu..
Ye la sana hujan lebat smpai banjir ek... sini ok lg, tp semalaman la hujan kt sini pun...sejuk jer...
mmg best giler kan cite ni..mak pak pun sama enjoy..kyra siap request nak tgk lg..kena tgu cd cetak rompak kuar utk repeat :D :)
Ayu pun ingat nak bawak Ian & Iris tgk cita nie..maybe weekend nie kot..
erm..dah lama jugak tak bwk my hero tgk tidak mengizinkan..mesti zara lebih excited sbb ada princess kan..?
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